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It's All About Value

In most cases broker/agent commissions are included in the insurance premiums that businesses pay insurers.  For all regulated small business medical plans, these built-in fees are fixed and non-negotiable.  For most mid-sized business, these fees are relatively standardized.  So the key question is this:  What are you getting from your broker/consultant for the commission dollar that you are already paying?  It is our contention that in almost every case we can provide you more value, and we invite qualified companies to challenge us to prove it!

How Can We Do This? 

All of our clients are provided a cloud-based enrollment and administration system at no additional cost.  In summary, this means entirely paperless enrollment and 24/7 access to all benefit information at both Employer & Employee levels.  In addition to the online access, we encourage our clients to have their employees contact us at any time for additional assistance when needed.

In addition to providing superior administrative service, we, of course, cannot ignore the financial impact of what is most employer's second highest expense after payroll.  To that end, there is no plan design strategy that we cannot explore and model for our clients.  Many smaller employers aren't aware that there are multiple means of partially self-insuring the group medical plan that can not only reduce costs, but in many cases also improve benefits for most employees.  And in most cases partially self-insuring can come with no absolutely no additional risk.  For those employers that prefer traditional fully-insured plans, we represent all major insurers in most geographical areas.

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