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Benefit Plan Design


Our expertise and experience allow us to explore all viable options to meet the needs of both Human Resources and Finance.  Often times these needs conflict to some degree, (i.e. employee recruitment & retention vs. budget), and we can help you optimize the combination based on factors such as benchmarking and your short and longer term financial goals.

Market Research


After collaborating with you to determine the most viable plan design strategies, we will then design and build the RFP to submit to insurers and third party administrators. 

While we represent nearly all insurance carriers in almost any geographical area, our experience allows us to make recommendations based on actual service levels.

Plan Modeling


After all carrier proposals are received, we will consolidate the financials by creating a user-friendly report & spreadsheet that is easy for you to understand.  This analysis will not only show current costs vs. renewal options, but levers can be adjusted showing the financial effects of changing variables such as plan design, trend and projected claim experience when applicable. 


At this stage we will examine the different employer contribution strategies to determine the optimal combination of all variables.



After the choices have been made, we need to prepare for the transition.  This may be a change of Enrollment systems & processes, a change of benefit plan options, an addition of new benefits options, or a combination thereof.
At the BenefitsPro we believe that effective employee communication is critical to the success of the employee benefit program.  Insurance can be very confusing for employees & their dependents, and we take a proactive approach to mitigate potential pitfalls.


To that end, we recommend that we conduct employee enrollment meetings at the worksite, or by virtual meetings if personal meetings are not feasible for some employees.

Administrative Support


How much of your staff's time is consumed with daily adminsitrative responsibilities to support the benefits program?  For most employers, it is much more than it needs to be...and quite frankly much more than it should be considering they are paying their broker every month.
At the BenefitsPro our message is simple.  Our clients need only have three responsibilities in terms of ongoing plan management:

  • Notify us of new hires & terminations

  • Take the necessary payroll deductions

  • Pay the monthly premiums & fees


We Do The Rest!


Due to our system automation, we can handle all other aspects of managing your health & life insurance plans.  And as far as the bullet points above, all information (e.g. employee enrollment & payroll deduction reports) is available at the click of a mouse.  In some cases we can also seamlessly integrate with your HRIS and/or Payroll systems to further reduce client side responsibilities.


Employee Advocacy


Our cloud-based system is available 24/7 and is a single touchpoint for all benefits related information.  It is used to not only consolidate & simplify the annual open enrollment process, but is available on-demand as an online benefits handbook.  This system will store all relevant benefit information (e.g. benefit summaries, coverage certificates, provider directory links & carrier contact info) and minimizes the time needed at all levels to assist employees and their covered dependents to effectively manage their plans.

Furthermore, when employees or their dependents need verbal assistance (e.g. benefit interpretation, provider searching and claims assistance) we encourage our clients to have them contact us at anytime for assistance.  This is something we stress when we conduct open enrollment meetings and new employee on-boarding.




Compliance has become so complex that we have dedicated an entire page that you can access from the navigation bar above.  We can help you simplify these requirements by employing the cloud-based administrative system that we offer you at no additional cost.  By using this system, an employee has to acknowledge that they have been provided all required documents, except COBRA, which is performed via US Mail by the COBRA administrator.

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