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Technology Driven

All of Our Clients are Provided With a Cloud-based Enrollment and Administrative System Powered by Ease

The Ease system provides a customized landing page for the employer where employees and employer level administrators can access benefit and employment information 24/7

Benefits Enrollments


The Ease system provides paperless, online enrollment for all insurance benefits provided by the employer.  All enrollments and waivers with electronic signatures are stored in the cloud.


The entire process for an employee to go through the entire process takes an average of 5-10 minutes and can be completed 24/7 at the employee's convenience.  To view a short video of the employee enrollment experience please click here.

Employer Administration


All employee enrollment, contact  & employment and information is available at the employer level.  Custom reports can be generated at the click of a mouse, e.g. payroll deduction reports can be generated in the specific format needed.  This system tracks all employee activity and stores all plan information for easy access.

In addition, all plan documents that are required to be distributed to plan participants (see the "Plan Compliance" link above) are documented as received by all employees before their enrollment can be completed.  Additional documentation that may be required by HR can also be incorporated into this process to further streamline the adminsitrative process.

There also additional HR on-boarding features available, as well as payroll integrations with select providers.


Employee Administration


The Ease system essentially functions as an online "Benefits Handbook" (in fact, the actual company handbook can be uploaded into the system!) making it very easy for employees to reference plan information such as benefit summaries, coverage certificates, provider directory links, carrier contact info, etc.  This saves time for all parties and can be accessed 24/7 from any computer or smartphone.



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